VT.Treatment Package


The treatment is a combination of two different types of lotions. VT.Treatment ™ 1 (Phototherapy) and VT.Treatment ™ 2 (skin Regeneration), the lotion is for topical application with a combination of sun (radiation) exposure.

A discolouration of some areas of the skin of 1-2% of world population is a condition that is called vitiligo, where the individual could have healthy skin and general health but for some genetic and multi factorials disorders that are not completely understood at the moment between some melanocytes and the immune system, and in particular areas the melanocytes are becoming less «regenerative» leading to a discolouration of that area.

Vitiligo is not entirely a genetic disorder, studies showed that homozygotes twins could develop in one of the twins and not both, despite the fact that they both have the same genes, the body could have also «good housekeeping genes» that tolerates that changes and keep the melanocytes protective. Unfortunately and under certain conditions that could be psychological stress, trauma, pollution, chemicals, physical or mechanical skin recurrence stress or other factors that cause an imbalance to that homeostasis and will lead to break the tolerance and start to develop vitiligo.

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VT.Treatment ™

Fortunately, that condition can be rebalanced by VT.Treatment ™ with significant repigmentation. VT is a novel natural based lotions that are discovered in Kuwait University (Faculty of Medicine laboratories) based on a new theory. It was clinically tested and proven to be very good for vitiligo treatment and management. Case series reports were accepted and published in the health science centre conference (HSC) in 2018 and 2019.

The treatment is a combination of two different types of lotions. VT.Treatment ™ 1 (Phototherapy) and VT.Treatment ™ 2 (skin Regeneration), the lotion is for topical application with a combination of sun (radiation) exposure.

VT.Treatment ™1 (Phototherapy)

Unlike the conventional PUVA (Psoralen Ultra Violet A treatment), this lotion was only labelled PUVA to guide users that it follows the same methodology of PUVA protocol. But, it’s compositions have plants extracts and natural components that cause melanocytogenesis (production of new melanin cells) under UVA and also UVB (but with lesser efficiency with UVB). The active ingredient is from psoralea family but combined with other compositions that are found to maximise and optimise the result with much fewer side effects and prevent negative vitiligo spreading.
A case report from Dr.Najat Alnuzur from K.S.A. showed that a vitiligo patient had a history of vitiligo spreading after using conventional PUVA treatment (sensitive to PUVA) but got significant positive results on acral vitiligo after using VT.Treatment ™ 1 (Phototherapy) with the same PUVA protocol.

Application procedure

This is a phototherapy treatment. Meaning that the user has to expose to sun or radiation after applying each treatment topically on your white spots and massaging it.

The exposure time varies among individuals, some can tolerate 15-20 min exposure, others will get sunburn or phototoxicity on 2 min exposure. Then the user should be careful while using the treatment by experimenting the correct desired exposure time gradually starting with 1 min for each treatment and increasing 1 min every two days until the white patch colour changed to pink. If the skin colour changed to red with swelling, itching and burning sensation that’s mean the user has overexposure time and got a sunburn or phototoxicity and must stop the treatment and seek medical attention until the skin is healed then resume Vt treatment with care and caution regarding time exposure.

Generally, the time should be divided between both treatments. That is, applying the first lotion then have sun exposure, then wash the area with water, then applying the second lotion followed with the same time of sun exposure, then wash the area with water.


We are made of what we eat. A healthy diet will always promote your health and life. Whoever claims that diet does not affect vitiligo is mistaken and have not gone through recent literature. There are plenty of research that proves the association of diet and vitiligo. The most powerful whitening compound that causes hypopigmentation (whitening of the skin or having new white patches) is Kojic acid which is found in soya sauce and some alcohol drinks ( ref: ISSN 2045-2322), acidic fruits that contain vitamin C also found to cause hypopigmentation, so that’s mean avoiding vitamin C supplements and also avoiding multivitamin supplements (Ref: PMID 20465650). As for the supplements, it is important to observe Vit.D levels and take Vit.D supplements if the individual has a deficiency, vitamin D has an important role in repigmentation process (Ref: PMID 24177606) other researches also suggest to reduce intakes of arachidonic acid sources of eicosanoids and other autoimmune/allergy-provoking diet (white meats, seafood, egg, milk products) as these compounds increase immune response sensitivity in the cause of autoimmune issue (many references cited and discussed in our vt insta page @vt.treatment) we believe that the issue here is not totally due to autoimmune but also how the melanocytes behave to trigger autoimmune to certain areas.

Recommended diets are carrot and carrot juice, green vegetables (wash then soak them 10-min min with water before consuming them), chickpea, onion and antioxidant vegetables but without flavonoids.

Anti-stress natural herbs like valerian and jatamansi family is recommended.

If the person has a leaky gut, then gluten-free food is highly recommended. it is also observed that these types of food cause spreading of vitiligo: spicy food, processed meat, bear and curcumin.


The first rule, do not smoke. In the past years, our clinical trials showed that smokers are less responsive to vitiligo treatment.

Avoid stress As much as possible, stressful life or work is something you should consider to change or adapt.

Environmental pollution, Oxidants and bleaching compounds avoidance. a person with vitiligo must avoid any pollution, oxidizing and bleaching chemicals whether it’s contacting the skin or breathable. That includes hair bleaching, home cleaning (bleaching) chemicals that have chloride or swimming pool with chloride or even tab water with chloride.

Skin whitening products or deodorants with whitening compounds and dental whitening compounds, toothpaste with halogen should be washed from lips with plenty of water (also acidic fruits).

Black colour and leather shouldn’t be always your choice because it contains pigment chemicals that also cause skin discolouration.

Regular mechanical pressure, stretching and frictions of some areas in the skin may cause them to be less regenerative for melanocytes. But these areas once they are completely treated it is adviced that the person continues the treatment for an additional one or two months, that will make the melanocytes more balanced, «connected» and more resistant to those changes. avoid all aniline, phenols and quiniones compounds, Avoid wearing rubber gloves for long time.

Blood Test

Our group of medical doctors usually ask for the following blood tests as they believe that these parameters are valuable to measure in the assessment and treatment of vitiligo.

TSH,T3 and T4

Vitamin D
Vitamin B12




taking these tests is helpful for your dermatologist to assist you with supplements or refer you to an endocrinologist if needed. You can also send them to VT.treatment WhatsApp Helpline (+96597699970)

Other medications

According to the blood test results, your medical doctor may recommend some medications or supplements that could help with the treatment.

Your medical doctor may suggest some immunosuppressants (like corticosteroids based medications) or immunomodulators (like tacrolimus based medications), although the VT.treatment usually works without any of these combinations.

If you had a history of intestinal worms or parasites you should consider retaking medications.


    1. Should I apply the medicine every day?
      It depends on your skin sensitivity, people with sensitive skin usually start with twice a week (blonde or red hair) and with time they will notice that their skin becomes more resistance and the patches are white and not with little redness (pink colour), meaning that they can either increase the exposure time or the days of treatment to 3 or 4 days per week. Some are capable of placing the treatment twice a day and they would have faster results in acral vitiligo.
      As for those with more resistant skin, they can have a daily treatment.


    1. How long the VT.treatment last?
      You will have 150ml of VT.treatment 1 (phototherapy) and 150ml of VT.Treatment ™ 2 (skin regeneration), about 0.25ml of lotion is more than enough to cover a patch with a size of a 4cm cube in one application, and that is 600 applications according to that estimated calculation.
      The lotion is a natural based product with no strong preservatives, packed with aseptic protocol, once the lotion is open it can be used for 3 months.


    1. When shall I expect the results?
      There is no well-defined answer for that question, vitiligo is a multigenic multifactorial disorder that varies among individuals. Also, the diet and lifestyle have a strong influence as explained. Some may take less than a month to see results, others may need more than four months depending also on the type and location of vitiligo. Generally, areas with hair follicle (coloured) are more responsive and easier to treat. Areas with white hair may take a longer time to treat. Acral vitiligo may also take a longer time to be treated.


    1. When I am fully cured, will there be a recurrence (vitiligo returns)?
      Our clinical trails results, followup and questioners showed that people generally had no recurrence once they are treated but you could experience some minor recurrence if you had emotional stress or gone with a bad lifestyle/diet. However, we also had cases that are cured and living without any lifestyle/ diet restrictions and till now there is no recurrence. The best thing to do is to start treating immediately after you notice any recurrence. it is also important to note that even if your vitiligo got 100% repigmentation, you should continue the treatment for one additional extra month.


    1. When I’m fully cured shall I go with no diet/lifestyle restrictions?
      yes, you can, but if you notice any starting of recurrence then you should consider the diet and lifestyle restrictions.


    1. Why I’m experiencing a spreading of my vitiligo?
      As written above in diet and lifestyle section, there are many factors in diet/lifestyle that affects our melanocytes survival/ cellular regeneration rate/melanin production and immune interactions. A person should go through these factors and observe what they are doing in their daily life. And sometimes for some people vitiligo increase in spring season so for those they should be more careful to consider the diet and their lifestyle during this period and be more determinant to do the treatments. In addition, blood tests should also be taken to check if there are any considerable variables to be treated.
      Whether you under treatment or not, this spreading that is happening will occur and it is not due to the treatment itself. Nevertheless, the treatment actually reduces and resist the spreading onset, so never stop the treatment. You will notice that it’s just a tide that will stop later and you will treat it all.


    1. What is the best radiation therapy? And when is the best time for sunlight exposure?
      The best economic treatment is sunlight, sunlight has both UVA and UVB, the best period for sun exposure is in the morning and in the afternoon (for moderate and high UV index countries) and late morning till early afternoon for Lee UV index countries. Again, it is important to test the time for exposure gradually.
      The best radiation light therapy is a cabin or large tubes UVA with narrowband UVB together. Large tubes cover more surface area with good better intensity than small tubes.


    1. Any side effects? and what shall I do if I experienced any side effect?
      tratment lotion is considered to be a bench product lotion, the clinical trials show that 10% may have Hyperpigmentation (more strong melanin production) in the newly pigmented area or around it, this is good to prevent the spreading and to get faster results but the individual may not like the colour contrast. Usually the natural colour tone will be resumed within 2-3 months. In case of over exposure to sunlight/radiations that cause sunburn or phototoxicity or any other side effect you must stop the application and seek medical attention.


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