The inventor is a Vitiligo patient himself. He has had vitiligo since the age of 5, his parents sought extensive care and treatment everywhere worldwide but didn’t find an effective treatment. The dermatologists told the parents that there is no effective treatment for their son’s “Mixed Vitiligo” condition. The parents were hiding this from him and continued searching for a good dermatologist and treatments. His father gave him hope for recovery but eventually, his mother told him the truth and said: I wish when you grow up, you will find a treatment.
His vitiligo developed to be very progressive and chronic.
The inventor Muhammad Alansary said: The more the world knows in science through years of discoveries, the more we realise that we know less and are far from the actual picture of knowledge.
He obtained his bachelor in biochemistry and molecular biology with distinguished honour.Won the first rank in undergraduate research which was on the physiological and biochemical analysis of the antioxidant activity of green tea extract with Dr. Martha Thomson and Prof. Muslim Ali. Subsequently, he pursued a medical examination training in Beirut. Later he received his Master degree at the faculty of medicine at Kuwait university after discovering a major contributing factor in G6PD deficiency that was unknown for more than 45 years. Besides, his research was also on oxidant and antioxidant activities. (A documentary based on this discovery is available on Almajlis TV “International Kuwaitis series”).
He describes his new treatment story: During my education, I always read about the vitiligo condition and upon completion of my master’s degree I came up with the hypothesis regarding the abnormality as an oxidant/antioxidant imbalance and not mainly a direct auto-immune problem. I got a job as an academic in the same department where I had my first discovery, where I was teaching and doing research at the same time regarding this matter. I wanted to help myself and others to be cured of this condition. That is what also drives me to work.
البروفيسور رئيس القسم-2016
Alansary got a lot of encouragement from the academic staff that led to the start of the VT project and he gave a summary of his hypothesis in July 2016.
However, it was confidential at that time. Based on the literature, vitiligo treatment is evolving very slowly. He started by covering a broad area with all parameters (nutrition and combination therapy) involved, followed by, eliminating factor by factor to make it more specific for an individual. Additionally, He initiated a youtube channel to encourage people to get treated, to give advice and hope. First part is based on nutrition, immunosuppressants and immunomodulators and then a combination of herbal treatments.
He says: The outcome made us understand the mechanism better. We focused more on herbal medication and replaced the market’s general chemical immunomodulators with natural immunomodulators and photosensitive compounds with other natural based components that might achieve the specific balance needed for the hypothesis of VT.Treatment ™ to treat vitiligo specifically. Conventional (general) steroids and immunomodulators treatments might not work as such (alone) and a new protocol was needed. After many trials, I invented the method of pulse-oxidants-antioxidants shock that starts with photosensitive compounds followed by specific anti-oxidants that gave very good results on a small group. The head of the department that time (Prof. Islam Khan) commented: that is not a placebo! Kuwait university advised not to publish at that time because of the patenting procedure by USPTO and PCT route.
The test was repeated without any combination therapy, only crude powder extract with water as solvent as a start before lotioning, and it gave the same results. Kuwait University and Ministry of Health amended the research with more assigned investigators internationally to investigate this new proposed treatment. Phases of clinical trials were conducted and the results showed that it is considered safe for usage and confirmed that it has amazing repigmentation results (Dr.Fahad Almutawwa, Dr.Anwaar Alramthaan, Dr.Najaat Alnizar and consulting Dr.Hasan Alfakahani).
I have stopped my Youtube channel and started using Instagram with the brand name of our invention. Kuwait University switched fundings of the research to self-funding. On 25th March 2018, the decision from Kuwait University was to consider the commercialization and they have signed a contract with Oxford University innovation team (OXENTIA), and the first official announcement was published in the newspaper. Subsequently, we received the green light to work with the department of pharmaceuticals to start the lotion making process, and to continue the clinical trials as lotion products.
On the 6th of May 2018 and at the 2nd vitiligo symposium in Kuwait, I attended as an invited guest of Kuwait vitiligo society and the dean of the faculty of medicine. I asked for microphone in the questions section and I raised the following: We all know now that vitiligo is a multigenic and multifactorial disorder, but it is not treated as such. Why don’t we open a centre for personalised diagnostic vitiligo and personalised medicine treatment? One of the speakers gave a compliment to that by saying that it is a Nobel prize idea and advised to start such an institution. I and Dr. Fahad Almutawa will be establishing this soon.
No animal testing or suffering was executed in VT experiments. The materials are taken from the biotech company and other companies and handled with aseptic techniques Standardization and optimization are carried out at Kuwait University with highly trained scientists and pharmacists to produce the clinical trials products that are stored in a clean dry air-conditioned storage.
An investigation team is a group of consultant dermatologists who carried out clinical trials covering the phases needed for a natural product to be safely released on the market. Trials showed successful results with non-segmental vitiligo. Less optimal results were obtained with segmental and leukotrichia vitiligo, but still very good compared with current treatments.
سبتمبر 2018
د. محمد العتيبي 2019
On 29th of May, 2019 Alansary had a meeting with Kuwait drug and medicine supervision department in the Ministry of Health, and from 24 to 27th of June 2019 Ministry of Health of Kuwait announced the treatment in all local newspapers. The Arab region media made an official announcement through the head of dermatology in governmental hospital and the chief of dermatology board in Kuwait “A discovery of a new protocol and new medicines that will be revolutionary in the world of medicine treating vitiligo”. They expect it to be under mass production by the end of 2020.
Alansary got a scholarship to work on HSPs and metabolomics at Durham university in the UK. His students who also got their training on the same projects presented the work at KuMSA research and innovation conference and got an award. Two months later Kuwait University chose VT research and another research in engineering to be presented at the international innovation fair and Alansary got the Gold medical with the compliments of the jury.
Rebel signed a production and distribution contract with the inventor Mohammad Alansary.